304 North Cardinal
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MAC-10 Orbeez Gun


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SKU: OG-MAC10-Black Categories: , ,


The MAC 10 Orbeez Gun is a revolutionary toy that combines the fun of shooting with the excitement of Orbeez. With its sleek design and colorful Orbeez ammunition, this gun is sure to provide hours of entertainment for children and adults alike.

Not only is the MAC 10 a blast to play with, but it is also easy to use. Simply load the gel balls into the gun and pull the trigger to shoot them out at your target. The gun has a smooth and consistent shooting action, ensuring that your aim is accurate and your shots are powerful.

In addition to its fun features, the MAC 10 Gel Blaster is also durable and reliable. It is made from high-quality materials that are built to last, so you can enjoy using it for years to come. Plus, its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to carry around and use wherever you go.

Whether you’re looking for a fun toy to play with on your own or a great gift for a child, the MAC 10 Orbeez Gun is the perfect choice. With its exciting features, easy-to-use design, and durable construction, it is sure to provide endless hours of entertainment for everyone who uses it. So why wait? Order your MAC 10 Orbeez Gun today and start shooting orbeez balls in style!

Note: It will be shipped out from China, it may take about 3-4 weeks delivery.